Kate McKillop
Professional experience
An Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, Counsellor and Psychotherapist with over a decade of experience, Kate is qualified to practice eight types of psychotherapy and is certified in the resilience work of Dr Brené Brown (USA).
She has trained in developmental psychiatry, worked in acute mental health settings and has extensive experience in teaching the benefits of mindfulness and mind-body connection. Her professional experience has included clinical roles at The Royal Children’s Hospital, Eastern Health, Headspace and CanTeen Australia.
Kate’s compassionate care, adaptive and insightful approach has supported many clients facing difficult challenges. Her therapeutic strengths include advanced assessment skills, empathy and attunement to client need, which translate into high levels of engagement and successful treatment outcomes at her clinics. Kate supports adults and adolescents in the areas of trauma recovery, grief and loss, eating disorders, adjustment and relationship issues. Kate also helps people to manage stress and to overcome depression and anxiety.
- Yoga
- Music
- Being out in the bush
What Kate loves about working in mental health
“I am passionate about helping people overcome distressing events to build resilience and reach positive mental health outcomes. I also enjoy creating a supportive space to help people feel at ease and witnessing my clients make lasting change.”
Contact Us
Phone: 1800 APSYCH (1800 277 924)
Fax: 02 4903 3299
Email: info@accesspsych.com.au