Tag Archive for: Anxiety

Exercise and Mental Health

Exercise has a well-established connection with mental health and can be a powerful tool for improving mental wellbeing. Research demonstrates that exercising regularly has positive effects on mental wellbeing and it can aid recovery from common…

Anxiety in children and how parents can support their child

Anxiety, worry, and fear are all natural emotions. Anxiety usually involves a feeling of apprehension or nervousness about potential negative events and can lead to uncomfortable physical reactions. These emotions will most likely result in…
Many talking to psychologist for anxiety using teleconferencing

Anxiety: what is it and how can you get help

What is anxiety? Feeling stressed or worried is normal - no need to see a psychologist for anxiety just yet. However, if you feel stressed or worried for no reason, if you feel the same when the ‘obvious’ cause has gone, or if your sense…
Woman using breathing techniques to control anxious breathing

Anxious breathing: take control of your breathing like an athlete

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a common condition that one quarter of Australians will experience in their lifetime. It’s the body’s natural reaction to a threat, or what it thinks is a threat, and can be triggered by a range of things, fromAnxiety…
Girl making speech with microphone experiencing social anxiety

Do you suffer from social anxiety, or are you just shy?

If you went out onto the street, stopped the first person you found and asked them what the difference is between social anxiety and shyness, there’s a good chance you’d be there awhile.There’s nothing wrong with that. Most people…